Stafford Properties, the creator of Terminal South, is working to rezone the land directly behind the property to bring a 350-unit multi-family development to the community. We received majority votes from both neighborhood associations, the Peoplestown Revitalization Corporation, and the Peoplestown Neighborhood Association, and a “YES” from the NPU zoning committee. Unfortunately, there is a small but vocal group of people who believe that their desires outweigh the majority of the voices within the neighborhood.
1111 Ridge Avenue is currently zoned for industrial use only.
The City of Atlanta is in a housing crisis, and rezoning 1111 Ridge Ave will allow for additional multi-family housing- 15% of which will be affordable units. We are proposing 350 new units and 53 of those units will be affordable housing.
The proposed multi-family development WILL NOT displace any members of the Peoplestown community,
The proposed multi-family development WILL support the neighboring Terminal South retail development through increased foot traffic.
1111 Ridge Ave is a highly contaminated site due to it being a former coal yard. Stafford has placed this land in the Brownfield Program to ensure the hazards are properly remediated to EPA standards.
Mixed income housing allows for more expendable income to flow into neighborhoods, supporting businesses that provide jobs, like the 200-250 jobs we're projecting to bring into Peoplestown via Terminal South. It also allows for affordable units to be in developments with more security and better amenities.
The members of the Peoplestown Redevelopment Board are fighting to keep this land zoned industrial. Stafford wants to transform this land from a kudzu covered wasteland to a vibrant commercial and living space for people of all income levels to live, work and enjoy.
Please show your support for cleaning up Ridge Avenue and bringing more housing by signing our petition.